Monday, August 24, 2009

The Last Twenty

I'm after your help. I've decided that I'm going to lose "The Last Twenty" kgs by May next year. I've been going to do this for some time and I just haven't been able to get motivated. I've done some thinking about why this is happening and that's when I realised that I needed help to get there.

What sort of help am I after?

Sponsorship - Please sponsor me to lose weight. My target date is Mother's Day next year. In Australia that's the second Sunday in May. All the money raised will go to the National Breast Cancer Foundation via the Mother's Day Classic. I'll keep track of all pledges, bank the money, and make sure you get tax receipts if you want one. (The MDC has a way for me to do that provided that you get your money to me by the end of May 2010.) My thinking is that having sponsorship will help keep me motivated and I'll enjoy trying to raise as much money as I can for the cause. Hey, you can even ask your friends to sponsor me!

Encouragement - Encouraging comments, anecdotes about what's worked for you, interesting recipes, tips and tricks, motivational stories. It's all good. Give me a call, drop me a line via email, chat to me on Facebook or text me to ask how it's going. I'm going to post updates here about my progress - weight loss and money raised.

Supervision - For those of you who see me in person on a regular basis, if you see me reaching for that second chocolate biscuit, feel free to ask me how I'm going with "The Last Twenty". Keeping me on the straight and narrow will help me immensely.

Join me - If you have a weight loss or fitness goal and would like to join me with the MDC sponsorship / target date idea, feel free to sign up. I'm going to lean heavily on friends and family who are also looking after their health.

Run or Walk the MDC with me - As this is my goal date for the weight loss target, I'd love it if you were able to come along and participate, even if it's in a different city . I'm even thinking of organising t-shirts!

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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